Friday, January 16, 2009

Lopinho Modern Rage

Yoo!!!! got a teaser out since xbox screwed up =( getting one in 10 days hopefully and a CAPTURE CARD!!!! =) soo keep in tune !!! RATE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE!!!! All rights reserved to the makers of the songs, i do not own these song this is pure fan made.

Author: CaptinCurlz
Keywords: Lopinho Modern rage NsF NsX matrix knife Search And Destroyed Sniper Montage zzirgrizz call of duty world at war cod4 cod5 acog sniping no scope m40 search and destroy lopinho xbox 360 w@w waw v.s sniper sniped blind fire blindfire mirrored shooting guns rpd mp5 headshot headshots headshotz pro professional 2008 noscope XxNoScopexX cool fun amazing enjoyable LOL LMFAO don't know !!
Added: January 15, 2009

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